Monday, May 12, 2014

BibTex with MS Word on Mac

Sometimes LaTex users need to use MS Word for some reason. To use BibTex with Word on Windows, there is Bibtex4Word. But if you are on Mac, then google doesn't straightly tell you how to do it. Searched around for a while yesterday, I got the following solution:
  • You can use BibDeskToWord in combination with BibDesk.
  • Here is how written by BibDeskToWord author Conan Albrecht. The tool is not perfect, but it is handy since I did not find better alternatives. (Word crashed several times when I wrote my article. So please do save your file from time to time.)
  • Some links in his post are outdated. These are the updates: 
    1. To download the BibDeskToWord.dmg.
    2. You can download the templates at BibDesk site (just choose your preferred style). Here is the APA Style I use. 
Hope this helps solve your little problem too.

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